Online School Management Software

Tamilnadu School Management ERP Software is the most ingenious, affordable & scalable solution to connect students, educators and parents all under one roof.

Our software is designed in such a way that it meets all the needs of managing the entire school operations at ease. The total data governing your everyday operations can be aggregated and be monitored in a single dashboard. The software can be customized according to your requirements and preferences. No more spending much time on daily attendance, home works, score and report generation.

  • Data Visualization of Institution's Performance

    Tamilnadu ERP Software is a paperless solution that can derive and generate all the reports periodically, increasing overall performance and also provide insights through graphical representation.

  • Education Simplified

    Tracking student performance, student-teacher-parent collaboration, easy online reporting and much more essential features make it a simple and effective online solution.

  • Effective Time Management

    Now you get to save more time not only with the day-to-day operations but also with organizing your accumulated applications.

  • Tracking your inflows and outflows

    Your accountant gets a secured login with which the entire financial transactions can be monitored, managed and accounted.

Want to know more?

You can always get in touch with us for a free demo.

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Why Tamilnadu School ERP?

Best School Management Software with Parent Login facility

Tamilnadu School Management Software was developed to ease the entire school management. It enables a quick approach for management, saves more time for the faculty members and simplified process for students and parents. You even get to track and schedule your scholastic and non-scholastic activities with an individual or a group at the same time.

Give it a try with our simple automatized solution and feel the difference.


  • Push notifications for all the updates
  • All important things on fingertip
  • Highly scalable and customizable software
  • Investment in Innovation


Ability to track the attendance of children enrolled in various classes

SMS Notifications

Parents will receive the SMS Notifications for Mark, Attendance & etc.,

Download Center

Students can download assignments, syllabus, e-books, and notes on a daily basis

Parent Pavilion

School fees, discount, and leaves, given the chance to get involved in child education

School ERP Software Features



Admission procedure filed easy with a database

Graphical Reports

Graphical Reports

Detailed report served with just one click



Award and manage merit points for students

Time Table

Time Table

Tension-free Substitution Allotment



Simple to take and easy to manage



Export exam results in excel easily


Accounts & Fees

Quickly know your fees collected



Live monitoring of all the buses and other vehicles



Systematic way of monitoring room details


Notice Board

Automizing the posting and removal of notices


SMS Management

Timely Updates for better communication

lesson plan

Lesson Plan

Align lessons and assessments to standards



You can easily add your gallery

user management

User Management

Create as many Logins as you want by creating employees


Income & Expense

Clear and detailed listings of financial best practice


Home Work

Post homework/assignments to students of their class

study material

Study Material

Send/share group emails, study material among each other


Manage Subject

Assign subjects based on their specialty

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